Pakistan Sim Codes | Jazz,Zong,Telenor,Ufone and Scom

Are you worried and in search of the website where you can find All Pakistan Sim Codes All Network then don t worry you are at right plateform here you can find all network codes with details.Guide Pakistan Sim Codes All Network Multiple National and international telecommunication companies are operated in Pakistan which named are Ufone ,Zong, Telenor, Jazz, Warid, and SCOM.These are total 6 telecommunication companies providing their service of Voice, Data & SMS to its user on different rates.In this post we will share all network of Pakistan Sim Codes list at this page after reading you can simplify the network codes easily.

Pakistan Sim Codes All Network | Jazz,Zong,Telenor,Ufone and Warid

Many of mobile user who use cell phone for call when they make a call or incoming call from different network code they were confused but below provided list of all network codes you can easily understand all Pakistan sim codes of Jazz, Ufone, Zong, Telenor, SCOM and others.If you are one of them who are search of sim codes belong Pakistani network here you get complete list of Pakistani network code list.

Also Read: Sims on CNIC | How to Check No of Sims on CNIC Online

List of Pakistan Sim Codes Network

There are six telecommunication companies are operated in Pakistan.Every company provide different sim codes to its users to understand company for packages and others service activation.These codes directly belong to its company no third party can control. The list of companies offers network codes and details below.

  • Ufone
  • Jazz
  • Zong
  • Telenor
  • Warid
  • SCOM

Ufone Sim Codes

Ufone is first telecommunication company of Pakistan which is offering telecommunication service across all Pakistan cities with its latest 4G technology to its users. Ufone also collaborate with Pakistan internet service provider PTCL.Ufone services improve day by day and now ready to launch 5G service in Pakistan soon. Ufone started its services in 2001 and is headquartered in Islamabad. Ufone has 21 million active users with a market share of 13% .

Operator NameSeries StartUfone CodesUfone Website
U Fone03XX03300331033203330334033503360337

Also Check: How to Check Ufone Sim Number Details with Code

Jazz Sim Codes

Jazz Mobilink one of largest and most trusted network in Pakistan since 2001 and now warid company also has been merged with jazz.Jazz also provided responsible SIM calls, SMS, data packages to its users.Jazz also has been launched its jazz cash application for its user to send and recevided money on its jazz number using jazz cash app.Jazz has 57 million customers in Pakistan with 37% market share.Check the jazz sim codes list below:

Operator NameSeries StartJazz CodesJazz Website

Also Check: How to check Jazz Sim Number Details | A to Z Guide

Zong Sim Codes

Zong is most well reputed telecommunication network operated in Pakistan which headquarter is located in Islamabad and sub offices exist in all country to provide the better service to their customers. Zong 4G is fastest network for internet user with cheap packages. Zong also going to launch 5g service for Postpaid and Prepaid Packages within few years. Zong serial number and code list mention below.

Operator NameSeries StartZong CodesZong Website

Telenor Sim Codes

Telenor also reputed network for those who lives in hills areas.This network is best choice for remote areas users can use Telenor for different service of internet calls and sms without any interruption others telecommunication companies not perform well in these areas where Telenor reach its services. Telenor company was launched in 2005 in Pakistan and is owned by Telenor Group.Telenor Pakistan has a total customer base of 44 million with 28% market.telenor code list are given below.

Operator NameSeries StartTelenor CodesTelenor Website

Warid Sim Codes

Warid has been merged with jazz and both companies works two gathers the same service of jazz user can use warid sim holders the list of warid sim code given below.

Operator NameSeries StartWarid CodesWarid Website

SCOM Sim Codes

Do you searching for s com sim number check code what is the s com code?Scom also telecommunication company which is specially use in the areas of GB,AJK and related areas the company offers all telecom related services for SMS,Calls,Data in listed areas at responsible rate.The scom sim code listed below

Operator NameSeries StartScom CodesScom Website

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