Zong Sim Number Check Code: Easy Step-by-Step Methods

Zong Sim Number Check Code and How to check Zong sim number details? If this question is rising in your mind and you are looking for answer of this question then don’t worry as we are providing you complete information about zong sim number check code and steps, keep in touch with us and avail yourself from given information. For WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram accounts you need for number so you purchased sim so that you avail from internet service and keep in touch with social media.

How to check Zong Sim Number Details | Codes & Steps

It is good offer for customers as once they purchased zong sim after activating they enjoy free zong minutes and GB data free without balance. But mostly people who take zong sim first time but they do not know what is zong sim number, so whenever load balance to their Zong sim they need Sim number, now it will be easy for you to know as how to check zong sim number detail.

Sim card contain many information on your mobile network and your accounts. We can say that this sim is known as serial number, that is for the purpose of international identification. Sim number contains about 11th digits that is carrier of complete information which include, Sim owner details CNIC, his complete address and also manufacturing date of sim card. Subscriber Identity Module, sim card can be switched easily from one device to another and this portability of data offers a number of advantages.

A user who purchases a new mobile phone can install available sim card to associate the new phone with the same number and user preferences as the old one so may put queries how to check zong sim number on cnic for various purpose.

Sim cards are actually provided by phone companies having most crucial and basic identifying information like serial numbers and identifying codes. Sim cards play an important role in cybersecurity. Without sim card you cannot access to any one, but sim make distance too short, you remain in touch with social media and get awareness from your surroundings, but you can avail from sim card if you know what is its number then how to check zong sim number detail, here you will get some steps by following them you can know what is number of this sim card.

About Zong Sim

In Pakistan, Zong 4G is one of the mostly used network and telecom operators that is most favorite network.  Zong 4G is fastest network, its main goal to is to provide residents with a completely connected environment by giving the technological edge in 4G LTE while also providing the most respectable and inexpensive products available. Benefits of zong is unlimited, in short, it is giving admirable service to their users, when it comes to technology, Zong benefits greatly from the research and experience of China Mobile Communications Corporation.

It was started approximately, in 2008 by Milicom and a few months ago, Zong successfully tested the 5G service in some areas of the country. You enjoy free Internet with the new sim lgao offer Now, we discuss some steps as how to check zong sim number detail, if you have forgotten your number.

How to check zong sim number?

How to check zong number by sms? the process is not difficult, it just a single step.

  • On your mobile phone just dial *100#.
  • Click at call button and wait for few seconds and your required zong sim number will appear on your mobile phone screen.
  • Now choose a random message and send it on your mobile phone number.
  • Now, look at your phone’s screen to see if you have a Zong number.
  • Just avail this code and make it easy to check your forgotten zong sim number.

Others Methods how to check zong sim number detail

Those zong users who are searching for how to check zong number without balance can follow the below steps and check sim number of zong with of balance

  • Another best way to check zong sim number information then dial *8#.
  • Press the call button after the typing *8#.
  • If you are activating your sim card then open your phone’s text messaging software and compose a new text message.
  • Type MNP and send it to 667.
  • A message you will receive from the service with information on their Zong number, including the activation date and Sim owner name, after a few moments.
  • Other Codes: *2# and *5#

Zong Sim Details Via PTA

Pakistan telecommunication authority PTA, was mainly established to regulate, operate and maintain telecommunications system and provision of telecom system. PTA’s helpline tolls free number 0800-55055 and email complaint@pta.gov.pk can be used to notify all similar URLs where such objectionable material is placed. The main purpose to give brief introduction to PTA, is that how to check zong sim number detail from PTA official website.

Check Zong Sim Information By Website

Are you worried that how to get Zong Sim information then don’t worry we are here to solve your problems. You can check zong sim information by the official website of Zong. You have to follow the following steps to check the Zong Sim information.

  • Visit The official website of Zong.
  • press the Support Button.
  • Now you have to enter the CNIC number.
  • Then company will provide you all the necessary information.
  • f the Zong number is registered with the CNIC, the website will display the associated Zong number.

Zong Helpline

If you are interested to know that zong sim number information by the zong helpline then given description will help you.   

If you want to get number from zong helpline dial 310 from your Zong SIM and connect with a customer service representative. They’ll gladly provide your number after verifying your identity.

Most Reliable technique and easiest way to dial 310 and speck. Then he or she will give the customer all of the necessary information, such as the Sim Owner and Zong Sim number. In this way you will not aware from zong sim number, but also complete information as Zong Sim Owner, registered Zong Number Address and also the Sim Number.

By following such methods, you can know your zong sim number detail and necessary information. After complete verification the operator will ensure the activation of Zong SIM within one day. In case of non-verification of the zong customer’s thumb impression from NADRA, then customer can communicate with seller and solve this problem.

Zong Sim Number Check Code

Type “MNP” & Send it to 667

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