Zong Free Internet Code 2025 | 1GB to 50GB Zong Free Internet

Zong sim users have facility to use zong free internet service on cell phone to activate free internet check zong free internet code 2025 details here is full information tips and trick to get free zong free internet on your sim by using zong codes for daily,weekly and monthly internet subscription free on cost.If are you willing to get zong free data this blog post specially for you to check zong free internet code list which will work for your to use free internet data.

The available internet codes not only for specific user all Pakistani zong sim user can use free internet zong code and enjoy unlimited internet data.Where zong has 2nd largest network in pakistani with its best data service and fast speed of internet.In short period is has gain million of user across the country and established strong network.Where every telecommunication company try to keep engage customer with its network by providing free and cheap service so zong also offers many cheap and free internet facilities.

Many of zong customer always try to search free internet resource on its sim so for them sim details provide zong internet code list If free internet code is active on Zong sim, then it’s likely to work for selected SIM and not all of them.

Zong free internet code 2025

Here is the list of zong free internet code 2025 after dialing mention code you will be able to use free zong internet on your sim

Data VolumeActivation CodeValidity
Free 4GB*568#*11# or *44# or *102#1day
Free 1.5GB*537*2#
Free 2GB*117*111*2#
Free 1GB*7863*86#1day
Free 1GB*563*85*23#7days
Free 500MB*56*8*23#

Zong daily free internet code

To get free zong daily internet data on your zong sim you just need to type these code *568#*11# or *44# or *102# after dialing these codes you will get 4GB data on your sim

30 day zong free internet code

The zong user who are searching for 30 day zong free internet code just dial this code from zong sim *56*8*23# and press enter after confirmation you will get free 5GB data for 30 days.

Zong 80gb free internet code

Zong provide un believable free internet data to MBB user through One plus offers if you are zong sim user and have MBB device so you just take advantage from this offer but before activating this offer on your MBB sim you should must confirm by applying below steps:

  • Type *9# from Zong SIM and enter your MBB Device number to check whether your MBB number is eligible to get 80GB free or not.
  • Type a new SMS in which enter your MBB Number and send this SMS to 6555.

After you get confirmation message from company you are eligible the you need to follow below steps to activate 80GB free data on your sim.

  • If you get a confirmation from *9# or “SMS MBB Number to 6555” then:
  • Visit your nearest Zong franchise, Zong CSC, or Retailer center
  • Ask the agent to activate One Plus One Offer on the MBB device
  • Done! You will get free MBs (according to the MBB bundle you had)

Zong 1gb free internet code

Zong officially providing free 1GB data to all zong user if you are zong user and want to get 1GB internet free data then dial *6565# and hit enter button you will get 1000 Mbs on your zong sim.

Zong 10gb free internet code

To activate zong 10GB free internet data just dial code *900*10*28# and enter you will received confirmation message on your sim card if you are eligible for this service you can use 10GB data free

Zong free internet gift

Zong offers different internet gift offers to new user and existing customer if you are one of them you can check below zong free internet gift code.

Zong New SIM Offer:

Zong offers gift to its new user for 7 days with free internet,calls can sms if tou have bought new zong sim and want to get free resources for 7 days 2GB internet, 1GB for WhatsApp, 1GB for Facebook and 1000 Zong minutes then dial below code.

  • After activating SIM, Dial *10#.
  • Wait for the confirmation message you will be able to use

Zong Sim Lagao Offer

Zong sim lagao offers is well come back gift by company to providing free internet after activation inactive sim from last 30 days.To activate this offer dial *2244# code after activation you will get 6000 Zong minutes, 6000 SMS, and 8GB (4GB Data + 4GB WhatsApp) of 4G internet for free.

Zong free 500 MB code

  • Dial *568#*11#or *44#or *102# and enjoy free 4GB days.
  • Dial *56*8*23# and enjoy free 500MB.

Zong Free Youtube Code 2023– Zong Unlimited Data Trick

  • Download and install Yoga VPN from Google Play Store
  • Use the default settings of the VPN, and connect.
  • nstall any screen recorder from the play store.
  • Launch the installed screen recorder.
  • Open youtube, and find your desired movie.
  • Watch the movie, the whole movie will be recorded and saved in a folder automatically.

Zong Free Internet Trick 2023

  • Download UC Handler.
  • Setting for UC Handler:
  • Real Proxy
  • Type: HTTP
  • Real Proxy Server:
  • Port: 80
  • Now download Yoga VPN
  • and connect with a default setting.
  • Enjoy Free Zong Internet in UC Handler, once you connected.
  • Speed is slow but Enjoy Free.

Zong Daily Rewards:

If you are zong user then you can get upto 500MBs daily free you just need have my zong app and follow below steps to get daily reward.

  • Install MY Zong app from Goolge Playstore
  • Open my zong app on your phone.
  • Click in rewards.
  • Click on Suffle.
  • Then click on any bubble.
  • You will get congratulation message with free internet data.

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